Nelíbí se ti Duo Yamaha?
Naštěstí to není ofiko reklama, ale jen reklama regionálního prodejce.
Tohle je naštěstí jen blbá reklama, ale nenadzvedává mě ze židle.
To ta poslední na hnujdaj (parodie na reklamu Air bank) mě teda nadzvedla dokonale.
Kdybych to auto dostal jako služební, tak asi změním zaměstnání.
Chtěl bych tě potkati v lukách. V lukách je vlání na všechny strany, pokorné odevzdávání. V lukách je nejprostší života stůl, rozlomíš chleba, podáš ženě půl, chléb voní zemí, bezpečný úsměv svítí, až k pláči je prostý věneček z lučního kvítí , ...
A farmer in the district was selling-up his farm. Pat and Mick decided to go to the auction sale. They went by horse and cart. They bought two young pigs. They decided to keep them at Mick's farm, till Pat had built a yard for his pig. When they got to Mick's place, Pat turned to Mick and said,
"Mick, me ol'mate, how are we going to tell who owns which Pig?"
Mick says, "Well Pat, I'll nip off one of ear-tips of my Pig, they don't feel it ya know, and ten we can easy tell"
"Ah, dat id be grand," says Pat.
This worked fine until a couple of weeks later, when Mick stormed into Pat's house.
"Pat," he said, "My pig has chewed the ear-tip off your Pig. Now we got two pigs with one ear-tip each. How are we going to tell who owns which one?"
"Well Mick," says Pat, "I'll cut ta other ear-tip off my pig. Ten we'll ave two pigs and only one of them will av both ear-tips".
"Begorra Pat, dats smart tinkin," says Mick
Again, this worked fine until a couple of weeks later, when Mick again runs to Pat's house.
"Pat Pat," he said, "Your pig has chewed the other ear-tip off my pig!!"
"Now, we got two pigs with no ears-tips! How we gonna tell who owns which one?"
"Ah, dis is serious Mick," says Pat.
They both think hard and long to find an answer. Pat says excitedly:
"I've got it Mick. How bout we toss a coin, and the winner takes the white one, and the looser gets the black one? "
"Ah tat's a grand idea," says Mick.